A Devil of a Day

Honeymoon-day 4-July 28, 2023

After a lovely food truck breakfast at Waking’ Bacon, Wall, South Dakota, we hit the road headed for Custer State Park, SD to see some bison. We spent a good amount of time driving through Custer, taking in the views, marveling at the bison, and enjoying a picnic lunch.

We then stopped by South Dakota’s Crazy Horse and Mount Rushmore and then ventured into Wyoming to Devils Tower. Once again, catching the sunset at our last stop as we explored the base of Devils Tower.

If we had to skip one of these three, we would leave out Crazy Horse. It was the most expensive of the three and felt like the most tourist trap of them.

We enjoyed every moment of the road, scenery, and changing landscape. Our overnight stay is a story in itself, so I’m going to do a quick separate post for that adventure.

Did you know::In that proclamation signed by Roosevelt, the apostrophe in “Devil’s” was mistakenly left out, so the form signed by the president named the monument “Devils Tower,” with no apostrophe. The typo was never corrected and the spelling stuck.

Waking’ Bacon, Wall, South Dakota

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