Scootin’ into Idaho

Honeymoon-day 8, August 1, 2023

“Live life with no excuses, travel with no regret.” – Oscar Wilde

We woke from our cozy tent on the edge of Lower Slide Lake at Atherton Creek campground in Wyoming. A “No Reservations” campground just to the east of Grant Teton National Park.

As mentioned several times, the route of this trip was not pre-planned. We have made several adjustments as we travel and discuss things we want to see. After seeing how close we were to Idaho, we decided to travel west to add one more state to our list.

We packed up camp and explored a bit more of Grand Teton before heading south to Jackson Hole for some shopping.

We stopped for lunch outside Jackson Hole at a cute local eatery, Nora’s Fish Creek Inn. Featured on Diners Drive-ins, and Dives in 2014.

We then headed west toward Idaho Falls, stopping for a quick electric scooter ride around the Idaho Falls River Walk to explore the area and take a break from the car.

Our day ended just outside Salt Lake City at Best Western Plus. Only our second night in a hotel on this trip. We went out for Chinese and then returned to the hotel for a romantic evening of laundry, and a walk around the hotel’s impressive grounds and gardens. Neither Chris nor I had experience with the “Plus” and we were impressed with how elaborate the facilities were.

Grand Teton

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